Michael Fischler
Entrepreneur and accomplished business executive with over 30 years of experience in management, sales and marketing for companies focused in the education space. Michael earned a Bachelors of Science degree from the University of Florida (Go Gators!). Post-graduation, Michael founded Journey Education Marketing, Inc. (JourneyEd) in 1990 after holding educational sales, management and marketing positions with Radio Shack, Texas Instruments and UES Corp. over a ten-year period. He is widely recognized as a pioneer in delivering academic software discounts directly to students (college & K-12) as well as private career colleges.
Over the years, Mr. Fischler founded the following brands: JourneyEd*, JourneyEd Canada*, JourneyEd Europe*, Academic eStore*, Beyond Graduation, The Journey Continues, Academic Discounts, and Alumni Discounts. (*Sold to Digital River (DRIV) in Aug. 2010). Mr. Fischler attributes most of his success due to the fact that his golf handicap is so high, most people he plays with think that he’s playing bad on purpose to help his business career.